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Conradi On "The Donald" :: For Trump: Welcome-"Culture" :: First global mass-neurosis cnn-made" ::
Philippines' President elect Rodrigo Duterte" : DEUTSCH: Der philippinische Praesident Rodrigo Duterte: Die WAHRHEIT" :
Righteous persons' natural right to carry guns" :: America's ugly face: Hillary Rodham Clinton" :



BRANDHEISS, weltweit wichtig: Was Sie ueber den neuen philippinischen Praesidenten Duterte wissen MUESSEN. Und WARUM das auch fuer SIE wichtig ist!

Wie bei mir stets, also: die WAHRHEIT!

JENSEITS der Manipulationen Ihres Denkens durch die ueblichen LUEGENMEDIEN.

!!!! NIE zuvor gehoert, UNVERGLEICHLICH, das ist GESCHICHTE, bereits!!!!

Verschiedentlich hatte ich in meinem Leben Gelegenheit zu erleben, wie GESCHICHTE gemacht wurde. Hier und JETZT geschieht das in den Philippinen!

Ich berichte das HIER, schneller, frueher, und BESSER, als Ihre Medien das tun. Falls die Ihnen ueberhaupt die WAHRHEIT sagen. Bisher sehe ich das nicht wirklich in den Haupt-Nachrichten-Kanaelen. Ich bezweifle mit Fug, dass Sie das in dieser Form irgendwo anders BESSER bekommen!


Chances are


can become one of the BEST years EVER! Why?

PHANTASTISCHER Erfolg: Duterte gewinnt den Krieg gegen Drogen bereits BEVOR er ueberhaupt angefangen, ueberhaupt etwas getan hat!!!!

Die Kriminellen in den Philippinen versuchen, die Gefaengnisse zu erstuermen:

NICHT, um auszubrechen. Die wollen HINEIN. Hunderte, vermutlich TAUSENDE bereits stehen in den Polizei-Stationen Schlange, um sich verhaften zu lassen. Die Polizei muss erst gar nicht ermitteln, nicht muehsam Beweise sammeln. Die stehen da, die sind VERSANDFERTIG!

Die Liga der nationalen Drogen- KOENIGE ist formal gespalten: Einige haben den Toetungsbefehl fuer Duterte und seinen guten Freund, den ex-Davao und jetzt landesweiten Polizei-Chef Dela Rosas ausgegeben.

Das Kopfgeld fuer die Morde ist oeffentlich ausgelobt: 50 MILLIONEN phillipine pesos (1.000.000 = 1 MILLION euro, 1,1 MILLION US$)auf jeden der Beiden.

Andere versuchen, zu verhandeln: sie bieten bedingungslose Aufgabe, wenn sie nur nicht getoetet werden, wenn der Staat ihr Ueberleben verspricht.

Und die Gefaengnisse sind fuer diese Leute bereits erheblich unbequemer als bisher!

Als Duterte seinen Stuhl in Malacanang Palace in Manila einnahm war bereits die NEUE Praesenz der sauber und gutgekleideten Polizei ueberall sichtbar, wo ich mich bewegte , das ist BEISPIELLOS! Falco in "Amadeus": "Dra Di net um. Schau' Schau' der Kommissar geht um."

Die Nachricht an ALLE Straftaeter ist: Wenn Du nicht spurst bist Du VERLOREN. Wir sind hinter Dir her!

Es ist UNGLAUBLICH: Der Mann ist erst ein paar Stunden im neuen job, und die Strassen in Manila sind bereits SIGNIFIKANT SICHERER!

Die korrupten Beamten in den Phils rennen, dass die Lappen schwirren, um ihre Haelse zu retten.

Insbesondere Polizisten und Gefaengnis-Personal, die von maechtigen Verbrechern, von Drogen-Koenigen gekauft waren, werden ausgetauscht. Im prominentesten Gefaengnis der Philippinen fand eine Razzia statt,und zum ersten Mal EFFIZIENT. Durchgefuehrt nicht vom Tages-Personal, das haben Spezial-Einsatzkraefte (SWAT-teams) gemacht.Sie haben bergeweise Waffen, Drogen, Alkohol, und FlatScreen-TV's herausgeschleppt.

UND sie fanden zahllose high-tec spy-tec electronische Geraete, die es den Drogen-Dealern problemlos ermoeglichten, ihre Geschaefte aus dem Knast heraus im Griff zu behalten: wifi - and GSM- (mobile phone) Versterker, Antennen, Jammer (Signal-Stoergeraete), und mehr Dinger, von denen Sie bisher nicht einmal gehoert haben.

Fragen Sie sich bitte JETZT: Wussten Sie das? Werden Sie von Ihren Medien korrekt unterrichtet? Kann ja sein. Ich bin nicht in D, und cnn traue ich eh' nicht mehr.

Die Konsequenzen dieser Ereignisse sind GLOBAL,SIE sind betroffen, Sie persoenlich! Ich werde HIER aufzeigen, WARUM! Ich werde HIER berichten, WAS Sie wissen MUESSEN, und warum!

All' das geschah', BEVOR Duterte ueberhaupt im Amt war: der hatte noch nicht einmal etwas getan.

JETZT ist er an der MACHT, seit gestern.

JETZT werden wir sehen, was er WIRKLICH tut.

Und ICH sage Ihnen, was das fuer IHR Leben bedeutet!

Was Duterte jetzt tut......

....findet in der deutschen Nachrichten-Realitaet kaum statt, obwohl Duterte auch fuer Deutschland WICHTIGE Vorgaben macht! Wie von mir ERWARTET gibt entweder nur sparsame Information wie die unten, oder reisserische Schlagzeilen wie etwa (Duterte's) "Blutbad in den Philippinen".

Das ist NICHT das wirkliche Bild!

Soweit ich sehe gab es kaum eine Schlagzeile, kaum einen Aufmacher in den deutschen oder amerikanischen Luegenmedien wie hier bei mir:

Kriminelle und Drogen-Dealer stehen Schlange, um sich verhaften zu lassen!

2 von 3 der chinesischen TOP-level Drogen-Koenige, die in den Philippinen den Handel kontrollieren sitzen bereits im Paradegefaengnis NBP New Bilibid prison ein, sie sind nicht tot. Der Dritte, ein "Peter Lim aus Cebu", ist fluechtig. Duterte droht, ihn bei Ankunft am Flughafen zu toeten. Er hat daher Gelegenheit, entweder nicht mehr einzureisen, oder durch seine Anwaelte seine Verhaftung verhandeln zu lassen. Faire Sache?

Jene zwei Herren betrieben ihre Geschaefte UNGESTOERT aus der Gefaengniszelle heraus. Bis Duterte's SWAT-team kam und reihenweise Flatsreen-TV's, smartphones, Antennen, Signal-Verstaerker, Jammer (Signal-Stoerer) und DROGEN aus den Gefaengniszellen entfernte. Duterte erwaegt, sie auf eine Gefaengnisinsel wie Alcatraz zu verlegen, auf der es keine Telefon-Umsetzer gibt. Eine seiner Optionen ist "Caballo" - island vor meinem Fenster. Clever?

Der Drogen-Handel wird beschuetzt von zahllosen Polizei-Beamten (Generaelen!), insbesondere aber Buergermeistern - sie kontrollieren hier die Polizei. Duterte arbeitet an Listen dieser Leute. Viele wurden bereits aus ihren Stellungen entfernt. Hier sehen wir also, was die bisherigen Vorgaenger Duterte's, die anderen Praesidenten NICHT getan haben (das gilt auch fuer Deutschland, Leute!)

Duterte fuehrt landesweit Drogen-Tests durch. 6 von 2500 Polizeibeamten waren positiv. Wer den Test verweigert verliert SOFORT seinen Posten.

In diesem Punkt denke ich: Die betruegen, die verarschen Duterte!

Weil man weit mehr als 6 Drogen-Konsumenten unter 2500 Polizisten erwartet haette. Das bedeutet: die faelschen die Drogen-Tests. Zweifellos hat niemand mehr Expertise und Talent zum Faelschen der Tests als Polizisten. Also machen die das, und entkommen. NOCH! Vorlaeufig.

Duterte, Buergermeister, Polizei-Generaele, Drogen-Koenige

Duterte faehrt faszinierend forsch vorantretend fort.

Er erklaert, er werde die von den Philippinen unterzeichneten internationalen Weltenrettungs-Vertraege hinsichtlich zb der Greenhouse-Gases, der Klimawandel-Gase, der CO2 - Reduzierung missachten.

Das ist das erste Mal im Leben, dass ich Vertragsbruch gutheisse. OBERSTE Regel ist STETS: "Pacta sunt servanda!" - Vertraege sind BEDINGUNGSLOS einzuhalten.

Auch hier hat Duterte aber Recht, in der Sache, und in ihrer Behandlung. Er hat also DREIFACH Recht: zum dritten, weil er jetzt meinem hier vor Wochen erteilten Ratschlag in kluger Weise folgt. (s. dazu: Conradi on politics - Rodrigo Duterte - in Englisch). Da schrieb ich das BEVOR er hervortrat!)

Selbstverstaendlich hat Duterte Recht, wenn er sich meiner Auffassung anschliesst, dass der ganze Klimawandel-Kaese QUARK ist: Ein Riesenunfug, eine moderne Massen-Hysterie.

Vertragsbruch allerdings hat andere Qualitaet. Duterte hat, so er wie ich der Auffassung ist, dass dieser Riesenhumbug gestoppt werden MUSS, zwei Optionen:

a) Er haelt die Schnauze und die Vertraege formal ein, unterlaeuft, konterkariert sie aber unter der Hand, korrumpiert sie wo immer er kann.

b) Er agiert mit offenem Visier, erklaert KLAR und mit RUECKGRAT, dass er diesen Unfug nicht unterstuetzen kann.

Ich denke hier, dass der offen erklaerte Vertragsbruch die Handlung eines offenen, aufrechten Mannes ist.

Erneuter Punkt geht an Duterte. Spiel, Satz, und: SIEG

Weiter im Text:

Der Duterte-Freund und neue philippinische Polizeichef Ronald "Bato" Dela Rosa bestellt die stellvertretende Buergermeisterin von Ozamiz City, Prinzessin Nova Parojinog zum Rapport in sein Buero. Verdacht auf Drogenkonsum.

Die "Prinzessin" loescht sofort ihre sozialen Netzwerke, ihre facebook-Praesenzen.

Derweil der Buergermeister von OC ("Ozamiz City") und Vater der Prinzessin die Flucht nach vorn antritt und oeffentlich beichtet, dass seine Tochter eine offenbar sehr intime Beziehung zu einem der drei Drogen-Lords der Philippinen, dem bereits in New Bilibid prison einsitzenden Herbert "Ampang" Colangco unterhalten hat. Er bestritt allerdings, sie habe den Mann geheiratet: Das sei ueble Nachrede.

Polizeichef Dela Rosa bittet die stellvertretende Buergermeisterin von Ozamiz City zum Tee

Wie Familie Duterte in Davao: Familie Parojinog kontrolliert Ozamiz City

Beide, Vater und Tochter stehen - wie ueberraschend! - im Verdacht der Korruption.

Familien-Baufirma mit Errichtung eines Gymnasiums beauftragt

Erneuter Punkt geht an Duterte. Spiel, Satz, und: SIEG

Weiter im Text:

Duterte trifft vor laufender Kamera den "Geschaeftsmann" Peter Lim alias "Jaguar", der seit Jahren mehr oder minder offen verdaechtigt wird, einer der drei philippinischen Drogen-Koenige zu sein.

(video ist in youtube) Peter Lim erklaert, er sei unschuldig, unterstuetze den Anti-Drogenkrieg und Praesident Duterte mit aller Macht, und seine arme unschuldige Familie leide bereits schwer unter den rufmordenden Anschuldigungen. Duterte sagt: "Du klaerst das mit dem NBI (N ational B ureau of I vestigation, aehnlich dem FBI der USA). Bist Du's nicht ist Alles gut. Bist Du's mache ich Dich kalt."

Erneuter Punkt geht an Duterte. Spiel, Satz, und: SIEG

Weiter im Text:

Der Duterte-Freund und neue philippinische Polizeichef Ronald "Bato" Dela Rosa besucht persoenlich ein in Subic Bay wegen Verdachts auf Drogentransport aufgebrachtes UNREGISTRIERTES chinesisches Schiff.

(Lesen Sie, was ich bereits vor Wochen zu unregistrierten Schiffen schrieb!!!!) Man fand nicht nur die Drogen: man fand gleich dazu ein komplettes Labor zur Herstellung von "Shabu", von metachloride amphetamines, zu deutsch "Crystal Meth".

Erneuter Punkt geht an Duterte. Spiel, Satz, und: SIEG

Weiter im Text:

Duterte verlangt von China Erleuchtung hinsichtlich des Umstandes, dass der Drogenhandel in den Philippinen offensichtlich von chinesischen "Geschaeftsmaennern" kontrolliert wird.

NACHDEM die Philippinen just vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof in Sachen chinesischer Usurpation des "suedchinesischen Meeres" OBSIEGT haben.

Erneuter Punkt geht an Duterte. Spiel, Satz, und: SIEG


We welcome the



:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

Rodrigo Duterte

wikipedia: Rodrigo Duterte

(To be continued!)

Pros, and: CONs:

Reasons in his favour = PROs. Reasons speaking against him = CONs (con = contra, latin for: against)

PRO: He made Davao safe, he will make the Phillipines safer.

I cannot travel as a free citizen safely in Mindanao. Because Abu Sayaaf, the Philippine arm of muslimist Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda takes (not only foreign!) innocent people as hostages every now and then.

The stupid german government pays them MILLIONS of US $ for the release. The business pays, it florishes. This is an invitation to take the next hostages. So they can buy more arms, more power.

The lifes of the released hostages are destroyed, they are severely traumatized for ever, they do not recover.

But I can live well in Davao, a big city in southern Mindanao. Probably the nicest bigger city in the Phillipines: it's safe, and it is cleaner.

Until now Duterte is Mayor of Davao, and he did that. No doubt.

He fought the criminals, the drug-lords, the drug-dealers, he shut down prostitution bars. The owners serve fastfood now.

He fought prostitution even though he is having sex with prostitutes.

First PHANTASTIC, unbelievable SUCCESS for DUTERTE already even BEFORE he's in office!!!!

Drug-lords and dealers are offering to turn themselves into jail. In Quezon City only until today 352 = THREE HUNDRED FIFTY TWO drug pushers, couriers, dealers came to police out of free will. The are talking. They are revealing their sources, disclosing the guys running the drugs.

DUTERTE is WINNING the WAR on drugs BEFORE he starts it!!!!

CON: He's a killer. He kills. Maybe even with his own hands.

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

PRO: He's a killer. He kills. Maybe even with his own hands.

He shoots criminals, and he throws them out of helicopters.

PRO: In his election campaign he promised to kill 100.000 criminals and feed the fish in Manila Bay with them.

The Philippine people voted for him since he promised to fight the drug-lords, the dealers, the criminals. And the Philippine people know he is used to keep his word.

This is going to be THE REAL THRILLER!!!!

He already took the first steps to achieve this by telling every policeman who kills a criminal to give him protection, and immunity from prosecution. PLUS he will pay 5.000.000 php = FIVE MILLION Philippine Pesos (= 110.000 US $) for every killed drug-lord, 3.000.000 php = 3 millions (68000 US $) for every killed drug-dealer.

He does this in public, everybody knows it.

And he widened this rule to not only policemen, but to every citizen who kills.

This is a TREMENDOUS amount of money for most poverty-stricken Filipinos.

But the drug-lords are on the HARD way either. You can understand how much they are already scared of Duterte if You see:

It is said that at least one, probably more known drug-lord's put out the promise of head-money. One did that out of jail, they say.

They started with 5 million. Then they raised it to 10 million. Now they offer 50 million pesos = 1 million euro, 1.1 million US $.

For the kill of Duterte. And for the kill of PNP's chief-to-be, his friend police chief of Davao, incoming Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Ronald "Bato" Dela Rosa.

This is going to be a hell of a race, You will see that on cnn!

PNP chief-to-be: I am no cold blooded killer

Well, I see two options: If he's right why should he ask incompetent priests for forgiveness?

If he's wrong: he should not do it.

times already changin': Caloocan mayor wages 'all-out war' on drugs

drug pushers can remain silent forever

PNP-chief's message to drug pushers: BRING IT ON! Let's do the showdown!

PRO: He should throw them into Manila Bay since this will feed the fish and enhance water-quality, in the long run.

I would enjoy to witness and see him throw them there. Manila Bay is in front of my place, I see everything, there. I would make that public, here, show pictures.

The criminals must see that. They must know. And the world must see that.

Then Duterte promised to everybody in administration who shows up and gives information that his boss is corrupt to fire the boss and give his job to the informant.

GREAT move!!!! He will be successful, and this success comes CHEAP!

I am being briefed by insiders that even before Duterte is in office the atmosphere in (police -) administrations changes significantly: they are already adapting to the new situation, many try to save themselves from justice.

CON: He should be the FIRST president to start to clean Manila Bay, instead of adding more trash, more garbage. I did not hear him promise that.

Manila Bay is already the most polluted water You can imagine. I want a white beach in front of my window, and clean water. Nobody cares.

One river only, Pasig River brings ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TONS of PRIVATE WASTE into Manila Bay - per day. PLUS ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TONS of INDUSTRIAL WASTE - per day.

I can see that. From my window. Flip-Flops, plastic sandals floating, plastic bags. These go around the world. Jeremy Clarkson finds Flip-Flops from Manila on his beach in front of his house in the british channel islands Isle of Wight.

CON: He's a communist.

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

That's stupid. Communism is an anachronistic ideology of the day before yesterday. It was already out-of-date when it was brought up by that lousy pretender Karl Marx in 19th century.

Communism FAILED. ALWAYS and: EVERYWHERE. Castro's revolution brought Cuba down and back into stoneage: they have no cars, no tractors, no ploughs, no Rock'n Roll. They plough with cows/caribous.

Now Cuba will be free again. And prospering. The Americans are back. The wooden ploughs will be gone.

The Rolling Stones performed in Havanna!

The Philippines might need Duterte. What they certainly do NOT need is a communist as president.

PRO: He hates the pope. He called the pope a "son of a bitch", and he is RIGHT.

CON: He believes in "god", in jesus christ.

That's silly. Because actual human knowledge of higher levels says: WE DO KNOW that "god" does not exist.

It is silly to pray to someone who does not exist. And imagine the answer. That's stupid conversation with Yourself.


My verdict: I endorse President Rodrigo Duterte!



What I would like to see President Duterte do:

It is pretty well known that I am retired and I enjoy the hospitality of the Filipino people. So I might stae some wishes here that I have:

a) Clean the water in Manila!

:)   Pretty? YES!  :) :)   Pretty? YES!  :) :)   Pretty? YES!  :)

Manila Bay, and the Philippine waters, the disputed South China Sea are terribly polluted. President Duterte should stop that. The water in Manila Bay must be clean.

I want white sand beaches in front of my windows, I want beach bars, Restaurants and nightlife hang-outs there.

b) Clean the air in Manila!

I would look upon this as a major problem that can be solved easier than cleaning the water.

Gasoline engines are not really a problem. But I want to see cleaner Diesel engines enforced. First by not letting any new Diesel car on the roads without proper Filters / (catalyst) converters in the exhausts.

Second by upgrading old engines with Filter-systems. For trucks, buses, JEEPNEYS, private cars. Give them one year, then impose taxes /penalties.

But worst of all are probably ship-Diesels. I see the container ships, the ferries go in and out of the bay, and the amount of carbon deposits and other bad substances that go into the sea and into the air is unbelievable.


Same procedure: Give them a year. Then impose taxes / penalties!

c) Solve the traffic problems, especially in Manila!

I think the people responsible have NO CLUE. Because NOTHING happens to solve the issue. Nothing changes, nothing gets better. Necessary steps are not being taken.

Drivers who do stop in the middle of the road - a common procedure here! - and block traffic are to be penalized immediately. They pay, or their vehicle is blocked from moving for 24 hours.

d) STOP the NONSENSE with the "renewable" energy: because it simply does NOT WORk!

e) Was Duterte RIGHT to call pope Francis a "son of a bitch"?

A lot of sense in that! So Duterte had no reason to bow and apologize to the vatican.

My request: REVOKE the vatican's accredition as an autonomous state. Do NOT acknoledge the vatican any more! No more diplomatic immunity for those guys. I ask the President Duterte to cancel their privileges!

f) I would ask President Duterte to make the seas safer, too, for seafarers. It can be done!

Abu Sayaaf, the Filipino arm of Al Qaeda, and other terrorist organisations are using the sea-waters pretty undisturbed. I am being told there are highways of that traffic in the high seas, especially between Mindanao and Malaysia / Indonesia. This should and must be stopped.

Sounds impossible, but it can be done! HOW?

Register EVERY seagoing vessel. Give them a big registration-number to put in a prominent place on the boat. Modern boats/ships should have AIS anyway.

AIS = Automatic Information System. This is broadcasting (traffic-) information to other ships and to shore. The ship is identified by type, length, displacement, cargo, Place of Registration, position, heading, last harbour, destination and so on. If You are on collision-course You see it in Your display early enough - and You see if You can win the collision.



Especially fisher-boats are given an area of operation.

Now You take Your drones, fighter-jets, military planes, Helicopters, coast-guard ships and so on. If a ship has no identification or a registered ship is outside its consigned area of operation no questions asked:

SINK that ship, gun it down. And authorize Your american friends to fire without warning, too.

This way You get into control of piracy, and You control other illegal activities, like terrorism, drug trafficking, smuggel of (fire-)arms.

g) EVERY motorcycle with a loud exhaust and less than 500 ccm / 0.5 ltr / 500 cc engine volume / displacement is to be confiscated and only released after 2 weeks. The papers / driving license must be marked. Third offense means the bike is not given back.

h) The service providers PLDT - smart, globe, sky offer unacceptable bad products / services. But they have perfect application forms / contracts to legally bind their innocent customers and BLACKMAIL them to pay MORE for LESS.

In their BEST scenarios they let You pay for NOTHING. If You put money in the bank it is Yours FOREVER. If You load money into smart these gangsters tell You one minute later it expires, it is "valid" only for 30 days. This is THEFT.

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

The traffic jams cost the filipino economy BILLIONS of lost productivity, because people about to do their jobs are stuck, they sit in the cars for endless hours every day instead of making money.

The standards within the economically ESSENTIAL communication-system are unacceptable, they are stoneage. People NEED to communicate, often and especially in an emergency. Data transfer is undispensable in any modern community, computer/IT/internet-knowledge and skills are essential for the future of the kids. Hardly possible in the Philippines.

The traffic jams in communication - internet/GSM mobile phones cost the filipino economy BILLIONS of lost productivity, because people about to do their jobs are stuck, they want to talk, they need interaction, they are stuck instead of making money.

If You get connected at all You often cannot even understand Your partner.

IF You get connected. For several weeks smart did NOT connect me ar all, even though signal strength was EXCELLENT 75% of time. It was good enough to give me a female voice saying: "Your partner did not attend or could not be reached. Try to send sms!"


Because I called myself - I have several phones, i have two smart-numbers, two of globe. This was a "smart" (PLDT!) test. Both sim-cards were connected, both had good signal-strength. This is SICK!

Usually I STRONGLY disagree in any governmental, especially leftist intervention into financial/business markets. I do not divert from this. I am not asking for intervention,even though I think if the President would talk to the bosses and make this point it might already be helpful.

Tell them they are not allowed to put "their" wires/cables/fiber into buildings thus excluding access of better offers, blocking their paying customers from looking for better standards, better offers.

But basically I am asking for FREE markets. The mobile phone market is controlled by two companies. This SMELLS corrupt. The solution is COMPETITION: Let foreign players join the game: Give them licences to establish their systems. If smart/globe/sky do not move then they are broke: with good reason!

h) As I said: Stop that nonsense with the "renewable" energies: These are LIES. Stop windmills. The new "solar" power plant in Palawan is BETRAYAL and THEFT and treason of the poor people there, ...

... since they need cheap electrical energy URGENTLY, but they pay twice as much as in Manila I am being told. Same with windmills. They tell people windmills are a great success in Germany, but they are NOT: I am German, I know that!

i) Then: CHECK the efficiency of existing power-plants: What was the expected power-output when planned? What is the REAL productivity NOW? You might be in for a BIG SURPRISE already then.

Why? Because of discrepancies. And because of the dirty smell of corruption.

j) ENFORCE consumer - RIGHTS, consumer - PROTECTION.

Abenson screwed me. I bought a Nikon camera from them, not cheap one. I needed it urgently, since my Sony was stolen by guests in my house - I know who did it. Police does NOTHING. I was about to start a 4-weeks sailing trip to Langkawi/Malaysia. I needed pictures.

After one week on board, sailing, the camera which was being well looked after failed without apparent reason. NO physical damage, it did not even have only one scratch!

Back in Manila I asked for the warranty, for repair. THey told me I had to go to their branch in SM city mall. Would have cost me one day to go there.

I told them "I bought the camera HERE, und You will give me warranty HERE. Then they let me sit and wait for 1 hour.

Then I realized they were not only incapable employees: they wanted to deny the warranty, it was store-policy. After the try to send me away to SM city they told me: "sir, the camera was working. It was good when You bought it." Is this what they call "warranty" at Abenson?????

They promise ONE year warranty, and then they tell You: "Oh, sorry, Sir, the warranty only applies when the camera is already malfunctioning when You buy!"

4 weeks later, when I started complaining in their hotline they told me: "Sorry, Sir, we cannot help You. The cam was good when You bought it. Your fault. Not our responsibility." They did not return the defect camera to me, they kept it. This is BETRAYAL, too.

You buy from Abenson? Good luck! Or did they screw You, too?


When Duterte took his chair in Malacanang Palace in Manila there was an unbelievable presence of well dressed policemen in clean uniforms everywhere I went, unseen before:

Their message is: If You misbehave You are LOST. We are here to be after You!

It is UNBELIEVABLE: The man is in power for a few hours, and the streets in Manila are already SIGNIFICANTLY safer.

The corrupt officials in Philippine administration are RUNNING to save their necks.

Especially policemen and prison-guards who are corrupted by powerful criminals, by drug-lords are being exchanged. In the most prominent prison in the Philippines the prison-cells were raided. Not by prison-guards, but by the Philippines' special forces. They took out weapons, drugs, alcohol, and FlatScreen-TV's the lot.

PLUS they took out countless high-tec spy-tec electronic devices which allowed the drug-lords to run their business comfortably even sitting in jail: wifi - and GSM- (mobile phone) enhancers, antennas, jammers, and items You never heard of.

Now You ask Yourself: Do Your media tell You this properly? The consequences of that are GLOBAL: because the world MUST know what is going on here. I tell You what You need to know.

And ALL THIS happened BEFORE Duterte did anything: he did NOTHING! He was not in office!

NOW he is in office, NOW he is in POWER.

NOW we will see, what he does.

I tell You, what this means to Your life!

NOW: What Duterte does is this:

2 of 3 TOP-level chinese drug-lords who control drug-traffic in the Philippines are in NBP New Bilibid prison already, they are not dead.

They ran their business UNDISTURBED from inside the prison. UNTIL Duterte's SWAT-team came last week and took their flatscreen-TV's, smartphones, antennas, enhancers, jammers out. Plus drugs. Duterte now considers to transfer them to a prison-island like Alcatraz where there is no GSM-phone signal. One of his options is "Caballo"-island in front of my window.

They are being PROTECTED by uncounted police-Generals, mayors. Duterte has a list of their supporters. Several were already removed from office.

Duterte is running nationwide drug-tests. 6 out of 2500 policemen were tested positive. Those who resist the test are being removed from their positions.

Regarding this I think: They betray, they fool Duterte!

Because 6 out of 2500 is FAR less than You would expect. This means: They fake the drug-tests. Certainly nobody has more advanced knowledge and skills to fool drug-testers than policemen. So they do that. They escape.

yahoo news: Duterte, mayors, police generals, drug lords


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