C O N R A D I  o n  P O L I T I C S ::

Conradi On "The Donald" :: For Trump: Welcome-"Culture" :: First global mass-neurosis cnn-made" ::
Philippines' President elect Rodrigo Duterte" : DEUTSCH: Der philippinische Praesident Rodrigo Duterte: Die WAHRHEIT" :
Righteous persons' natural right to carry guns" :: America's ugly face: Hillary Rodham Clinton" :



127 reasons why "The Donald" Trump jr. MUST be the next


"THE" DONALD T R i U M P h Jr.

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

Donald Trump jr.

BREAKING NEWS Nov 2, 2016: The TRUTH!!!!

Hillary Rodham Clinton: America's ugly face!

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

Never ever in my life have I seen a family so successfull in politics and so WROTTEN!

Is this why many call the crooked wife in a crooked family "Hitlery Wrotten Clinton"?


HERE You can already see that we are not talking about ONE (CRIMINAL) SCANDAL: we are talking about MANY.

In the compendium You will only find KNOWN PUBLISHED FACTS, the TRUTH only. Even though the leading leftist media worldwide You trust - like cnn, BBC in UK, the leftist public state-controlled conglomerate PLUS ntv and others in Germany, just to name a few - are lying to You, they try to keep You stupid, they manipulate You, they fool You You can know and find the TRUTH: if You find out, if You check Yourself.


Hillary's email SCANDAL. Undenied. Confirmed by herself:

She says it was a mistake, she would not do it again. Even her confirmation is a LIE. Since until now she got away with it she would do it again. She has no regrets.

THREE IMPORTANT ASPECTS in her mail-scandal:

a) WHY did she REALLY do it? Nobody is seriously investigating this until today!

b) The CRIMINAL ORGANISATION covering up her mail-scandal (including President Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Secretary of Justice Loretta Lynch, FBI director Comey, and MANY others) is OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. These people MUST BE investigated, they MUST BE impeached, they MUST GO to JAIL.

c) Even IF we accept the cover-up she MUST NEVER be president. Because she messed it up completely. Every simple soldier who'd done only one percent of what she did would be fired without honours and go to jail.

In the FBI investigation the Clintons crooked she said she did not know what the "C" on her documents was for. Every simple soldier knows and understands that the "C" marks Classified, Confidential information. If a woman in a low public position does not get that she is NOT QUALIFIED even for the most simple jobs in administration.

This one sentence only shows she is NOT QUALIFIED for ANY job in government. She should have NEVER been Secretary of State, and she is COMPLETELY INCAPABLE to be President Of the United States of America.


If You cannot get this TRUTH into Your head You are not qualified for THINKING.

The Haiti- and other (indian!) SCANDAL.

YOU find out the TRUTH below!

The american AMBASSADOR and american soldiers died in Benghazi when the Embassy of the United States of America was attacked by TERRORISTS.

Hillary as the RESPONSIBLE Secretary of State DID NOTHING, she DENIED HELP and PROTECTION. Not only the families of the VICTIMS BLAME HER.

The tax-SCANDAL of the Clintons

The Clintons and every LYING LEFTY media blame Donald Trump for his tax-affairs.

HOW can anybody be so STUPID to buy that?????

SEVERAL IMPORTANT ASPECTS in the "tax"-scandal:

a) NOBODY blames Trump to have acted ILLEGALLY. NOBODY says his declarations are FALSE.

b) These taxes are being paid on PROFITS. NO PROFITS NO TAXES. You get the point?

So: What they are basically blaming Trump for is: not paying taxes even though he had no profits. And they blame him for what EVERYBODY all over the world does, what they ALL do themselves: deduct everything You can within the limits of tax-laws. This is SICK!

c) The OPPOSITE is the TRUTH: Donald Trump always paid all the taxes he had to pay. NOBODY says he did not. He paid direct and indirect taxes, hundreds of millions for all his companies. He generated BILLIONS with serious work, serious projects, real estate, mostly, golf-courses. His condos are fairly sought after WORLDWIDE for their QUALITY, they are quickly SOLD out.

The Clintons' foundations' SCANDALS

These are the WORST EVER SEEN.


a) The Clintons established countless foundations, they interact with each other (see public documents!). It is in the nature of welfare-foundations that they do not have to pay taxes. So the Clintons do not pay any taxes at all for the billions in their foundations.

b) If the Clintons ABUSE their foundations for their own personal welfare this is NOT subjected to tax privileges any more: it is tax-evasion, it is fraud. Then they must go to jail. Everybody in the family who is involved. (I had NO understanding when Trump said Chelsea Clinton is a "great girl".)

c) The Clintons get their "donations" from doubtful (FOREIGN) donors. NOBODY denies this. The donations are (not only) being made for "pay-to-play" ( = corruption). NOBODY denies this. Until now the Clintons did not sue anybody in court who said so. FACT. FACTS. TRUTH!

d) American officials like Presidents, Secretaries (of State, Justice, whatever) are NOT ALLOWED to take donations from foreigners. If they have a "welfare-foundation" they can. CAN THEY?

e) (Some of the) Clintons' foundation(s) had to admit they were DELAYED 3 years to declare their taxes. If You and I do this we REALLY are in trouble, aren't we? The Clintons are not. Some of the declarations were said to be FALSE, they had to be corrected.

f) There is EVIDENCE that the donations are not being used in a legal manner but for the advantages of highly over-paid employees with tremendous expenses for travelling (First-, business-class and even PRIVATE JET-flights), luxury Hotels and Restaurants. And for the advantages of the Clintons.

g) The "income" the Clintons generated after they were BROKE in 2003 are f.e. MILLIONS for "speeches". "Speeches"? You buy that? Trump has to erect buildings and sell condos to make millions. The Clintons get their MILLIONS because they say sth? Is this what we are going to buy, what we are going to believe them?

The Clintons make millions with "speeches", they get MANY HUNDREDS of MILLIONS for FREE? They do not pay taxes for these. ZERO.

And these guys blame Donald Trump?

The e-mail-SCANDAL disqualifies Hillary Clinton for any public office. But the REAL CRIMINAL ACTION is in the foundations. This is WHERE the MONEY is, this is where the MONEY GENERATES (CRIMINAL) POWER.

Whoever wishes to INVESTIGATE the CLINTON CORRUPTION (journalist or agent) MUST look into the Clintons' "welfare"-foundations. THERE is the KEY, the EVIDENCE, there is the TRUTH!

The TRUTH: A SERIOUS eyewitness about the Clintons' money-collecting-business in Haiti

The Clintons stand for EVERY SCANDAL imaginable, PLUS several more! Read Peter Schweizer's book on the Clinton's "welfare" - foundation: It's for the welfare of the Clintons. This is the TRUE face of the WORST CORRUPTION in US-history. It is in a scandalous way interwoven with the government's State Department. There's the Benghasi-Sacandal - and ALL the LIES. There's the email-scandal - and ALL the LIES! Everybody who is not blind can EASILY discover the LIES. But Hillary still has phantastic results in the polls: since the american left mob still supports her.

The TRUTH: The Clinton Foundation is only a SMALL part of the CROOKED Clinton EMPIRE.

The Clinton Foundation holds a few hundred million bucks, I am learning. The Clinton Foundation - one of several more "welfare" foundations the Clintons hold, gives 5 million US $ to "charity" - whatever that may be! -, and is HIGHLY praised for that by B. HUSSEIN Obama. But in the same time they spent 5 million US $ for TRAVELLING: for SOPHISTICATED Restaurants and Hotels, for first class/business class air-tickets, for flights with PRIVATE JETS.

PLUS 5 million for "office supplies": that's printer-paper, I guess.

PLUS a lot more for "salaries". But then they have to fulfill US-law and give a certain percentage to charity, and so they gave million US $ to their other "foundations". So the money is still 100% in Clinton CONTROL.

But, as ALWAYS!, there is MORE: Haitian politicians, even the president!, say: Bill Clinton tried to bribe us. "He told me, he would make me the RICHEST MAN in Haiti!"

Ex-Haitian-senate-leader: Clintons stole billions from Haiti

But, as ALWAYS!, there is MORE: Haitian politicians say: The Clintons drew BILLIONS of US$ out of Haiti. (see above video!) So WHERE are these BILLIONS?

The Clintons hold beyond their foundations countless companies. They show up in the Mossak- files, in the Panama-papers several thousand times. Bill, Hillary, Chelsea Clinton, and Chelsea's husband: family members.And not only there.

The TRUTH: EVERY simple soldier who talks about only 1% of the classified info Hitlery Wrotten C. leaked is expelled from the army, his pension is cancelled, and he goes to jail for MANY YEARS. EVERY soldier involved with confidential/classified knowledge knows this and handles it properly.

Navy Veteran ACCUSES: If I had done what Hillary did with classified information

The TRUTH: EVERY criminal investigator on the lowest levels is sued for OBSTRUCTION of Justice and goes to JAIL if he did what FBI-Director Comey did when he denied to pursue Hillary Rodham Clinton. This applies to President Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Loretta Lynch, and everybody else who breaks the law to protect Hillary and the Clinton-Foundation!

And, as usual, it is MUCH WORSE than everybody thought? YES!!! Since it was ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NAIVE to suppose Comey did that for reasons of political friendship and solidarity. Sorry, guys: this is NOT the case. There is STRONG INDICATION/EVIDENCE that Comey protected Hillary because he got a BIG BUNCH of BUCKS, MILLIONS of US$.

FBI-Director Comey's connections with the Clinton-foundation - PLUS MORE!

If B. HUSSEIN Obama, Comey, Lynch and their followers would have done an appropriate, CLEAN investigation Hillary Clinton ended up in jail for the rest of her life!

For Hillary a proper, CLEAN investigation would have brought her into jail for the rest of her life.

FBI's FAKE investigation. Hillary in for 73 years in PRISON, only for her criminal handling of mails.

The TRUTH: TRUMP is RIGHT saying that the Clintons' scandals are BIGGER than Watergate was.

The TRUTH: TRUMP is RIGHT saying that Hillary can kill with cameras recording and she will get away with it!

The TRUTH: TRUMP is RIGHT calling Hillary Clinton "crooked" and "wrotten!

The TRUTH: This is what the world famous author John Grisham writes about lawyers in his bestseller book: "The Firm":

"When You were in law-school (I WAS! uec) You had some noble idea of what a lawyer should be. A champion of individual rights; a defender of the Constitution; a guardian of the oppressed; an advocate for Your client's principles. Then after You practice for six months You realize we are nothing but hired guns. Mouthpieces for sale to the highest bidder, available to anybody, any crook, any sleazebag with enough money to pay Your outrageous fees. Nothing shocks You. It's supposed to be an honorable profession, but You'll meet so many CROOKED lawyers You'll want to quit and find an honest job."

"Bill" Clinton is a LAWYER, and so is Hillary Clinton. They fell in love at law-school. CROOKED, plus CROOKED = corruption, scandals, incapability, and: the "Clinton-Foundation".

The black president Barack



is a lawyer, he is Professor of constitutional law. Any more questions?

Barack HUSSEIN Obama? You got that RIGHT! "HUSSEIN" was the grandson of "prophet" Muhammed, - the one with the Qran, YES! . The massacre of "Hussein" and his family is until today the reason why Shiites ande Sunnites separated and started to fight each other until death reunites them.

So we have - RESUMEE! - a black president of the USA, whou runs into every church he sees, with the name




You did not know that? Well, cnn and all the others do NOT tell You - BUT I DO!!!!!

So this is NOT about his colour: it is about him being a lawyer, being a CROOKED lawyer, obstructing justice, bending the LAW. There are TWO kinds of LAW in America: NO law for Clintons, Obama, Comey, Lynch and the likes. THE law for every ordinary american citizen!

------------ Einschub Focus Hillary Clinton ---------

Hillary Clinton luegt mittlerweile im KUBIK. Sie erklaert staendig oeffentlich, dass das FBI bestaetigt, dass sie die Wahrheit sagt. Das ist LUEGE. Obwohl das FBI sie in rechtswidriger Weise deckt und nicht anklagt, bestaetigt das FBI ALLE Vorwuerfe als richtig.

Jetzt verlangt Hillary oeffentlich, dass das FBI seinen Bericht veroeffentlicht. Quasi als oeffentliche Reinwaschung. LUEGE im Quadrat: Der Bericht ist laengst in seinen wesentlichen Ergebnissen auf der ERSTEN Seite der FBI-hompage. LUEGE im Kubik: Sie weiss sehr wohl, dass der Bericht alle Vorwuerfe bestaetigt und sie damit als NOTORISCHE LUEGNERIN dasteht.

Wie kann sie das tun???? Ich kann und will mich in die meiner privaten Auffassung nach KRANKE PSYCHE der Dame nicht versetzen.

Ich biete dennoch drei Optionen an.

a) Sie ist tatsaechlich psychisch schwer gestoert.

Update am 29.Oktober 2016: meine Vermutung wird offenbar als zutreffend bestaetigt durch Hillary's mutmassliche langjaehrige lesbische Sex-Affaere Huma Mahmood Abedin.

b) Sie ist mittlerweile durch ihr jahrzehntelanges Leben in Luegen derart desorientiert, dass ihr jegliche serioesen Masstaebe, jegliches "normale" Empfinden fuer Recht und Unrecht, fuer "richtig" und "falsch" voellig abhanden gekommen sind. - Ein bei notorischen Luegnern durchaus uebliches Phaenomen.

c) Es ist ihr voellig gleichgueltig, was sie sagt, und was der Direktor des FBI sagt. Weil sie WEGEN und TROTZ ihrer oeffentlichen LUEGEN auf einer Welle breiter Waehlerzustimmung zu schwimmen scheint. Und weil die oeffentlichen Luegenmedien zwar hier und da kurz ueber ihre Skandale (nicht EINER, nein: ZAHLLOSE SKANDALE) berichten, aber dann wieder zur Tagesordnung uebergehen und Lobeshymnen singen.

Ich wollte hier eine Gegenueberstellung verfassen der Aussagen von Hillary Clinton und jener des FBI-Direktors

Weil das sonst NIEMAND gemacht hat. Mit Ausnahme der - in unverstaendlicher Weise auch Clinton-freundlichen "Washington Post". Ich fand das in letzter Minute, zum Glueck. Spart mir die Arbeit. Ich haette es ein wenig anders gemacht, aber nicht viel.

Und da Sie mir - wie stets! - nichts glauben sollen, sondern SELBST UEBERPRUEFEN:

Washington Post stellt am 5.July 2016 oeffentlich Hillary's Luegen bloss

Ich habe mich gefragt, wie das angehen kann: Hillary faehrt unbeeindruckt mit ALLEN Luegen fort. Das MUESSTE dreimal taeglich von ALLEN Medien, an erster Stelle von cnn, und fuer Sie von Bertelsmann's n-tv, das ein Ableger der cnn ist, gesendet und wiederholt werden, damit die WAHRHEIT bei den Menschen ankommt. Nichts dergleichen geschieht. NICHTS in cnn, NICHTS in n-tv (vermute ich).

ALLE fahren fort, stattdessen 24/7, rund um die Uhr, das HOHE Lied der Heldin Hillary zu singen. Kaufen Sie das noch?

Wie stets geht die POSSE weiter: Hillary scheint dennoch unter Druck geraten zu sein, den sie fuehlt sich gehalten zu reagieren.

Washington Post am 5.August 2016: Clinton raeumt ein, sie habe sich bei der Wiedergabe von Aussagen des FBI-Direktors Comey "VERSPROCHEN"

Dieses maue, lauwarme "Eingestaendnis" erfolgte in der "Washington Post". In allen anderen Medien davon NICHTS. Dort und in ihren Wahlkampfveranstaltungen faehrt sie wie erwartet mit allen Luegen und Verzerrungen unverdrossen fort.

------------ Ende Einschub Focus Hillary Clinton September 2016---------

Reason number T H R E E :

He does not have that much reason to lie. He can be wrong, but he will NOT lie. Not to often, alright. There's not so much need for him to lie.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: the FACE of a BITCH, the FACE of CORRUPTION?

Let's face the FACE:

Payments of Goldman Sachs, from CEO Lloyd Blankfein only:

The (Hillary Rodham PLUS Bill PLUS Family members) Clintons' rewards:

- Hillary 675.000 US$ for "two speeches"

- Bill 1.550.000 US$ for "speeches"

- Clinton Foundation between 250.000 and 5 Hundred Thousand "for welfare" - of the Clintons'

- Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mezvinsky at least TWO MILLION US $ for his hedge fund "Eaglevale"

The fund, of course, went broke, 90% of the money is lost - for NOTHING

The Intercept.com about Clinton-benefits

The assumption, that there are MORE MILLIONS that we do not know about is LEGITIMATE!

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

Hillary Rodham Clinton is NOT qualified to be president. She is NOT qualified for ANYTHING! She LIES, she BETRAYS, she's into CORRUPTION. And she has given and she gives proof that she's NOT qualified. She messes up.

I CANNOT believe she can fool the american voters. She tries to fool EVERYBODY, even the (FBI) investigators. I CANNOT believe she can get away with that. Especially since EVERYBODY can easily see her LIES. Even though I see EVERY day in cnn, in Fox News the fools she can still fool. This is SURREAL.

Now look at Hillary: Hillary Clinton MUST lie all the time. And EVERYBODY can see EVERY day that the moment she opens her mouth she is already lying. She is not smart, she's almost always wrong, and she lies all the time. She has NO chance to win. She cannot fool the american people any more. But she keeps on repeating all the time how tremendously good she is. Ridiculous.

Same with Fiorina. Of course Trump is right: even looking at her is a waste of time. She does not have the face of a president: looking into her eyes You see she is an empty greedy shell. You see she is eaten away by her greed, by her fanatic ambitions.

She sees a camera, and she starts talking. BlaBlaBla. You wait. You hope she could possibly say sth. She does not. You are disappointed. You feel You were wasting time. She's a zero. Don T knows that, too.

Reason number F O U R :

OK, then: even though she is not worth it: let us waste a little time on Hillary. She is her own worst enemy. Even though she did an awful job as secretary of state in the foreign office she had a fair chance to win the election. Now everything is in shambles.

The "Clinton Foundation ("Welfare") does primarily care for the welfare of the Clintons. They are not only involved in one but in COUNTLESS scandals about corruption. Many of their friends and associates are convicted criminals. You google "clinton foundation corruption"! Look for Haiti!

If they are searching for a name standing for corruption in the USA: Would that be "Clinton"?

She lies permanently until today her infamous role in the Benghazi desaster.

She cannot settle her e-mail affair any more: because the investigators already do that. And she carries on with lies, and more lies, and she tries in vain to fool the investigstors by manipulating the evidence.

Hillary says ALL the time: "NONE of my mails on that private server was classified." The investigstors say: "THOUSANDS of her mails contain classified material." And now YOU still trust her, YOU still believe her???

"Forbes" USA: What if Putin has access to the classified material Hillary (Clinton) put on a public server??

Putin is a KGB-man! What do You think the KGB does? It is the task of the KGB to break into foreign phones and computers. Do You think they are good enough, they have the skills to hack an unprotected private e-mail-server?

BY THE WAY: We have sufficient reason to believe that the KGB, that Putin donated 35 MILLION US$ to the Clinton foundation.

Here I show You how easy it is. mail-hacking procedure for dummies:

If You know her mail-address (You have to find it. Google. Search internet-information. Often these are being leaked to hackers. She sent tens of thousands of (some classified or confidential!) from this server. Meaning thousands of people had the address. Each of them could do it. Each of them could sell the address in a hacker-community.) You go to server-login, You enter the nick. Then You have to enter the password.

What password? You know Your password, how You chose it. Since we have a lot of problems with all the thousands of our passwords that we have to keep track with we tend to use simple ones that we can well remember. Plus we often use the same password for different sites. Both habits are a security-overkill. But so many even smart people do that.

Now the hack starts: You begin entering the most common passwords. You can download lists of these from the internet. Maybe You know already that this might start with: "123456", "qwerty", "password", and so on. Then You consider all publicly available information about Hillary, and You start entering "Hillary", "hillary", "Rodham", "Clinton", "secretary", "president", "mother", "mommy", and the names of kids and relatives. Chances are You might pretty soon find "bingo!", You are in: All her mails are on Your screen.

Believe me: there are many ways to do this that are MUCH smarter, MUCH more efficient, MUCH easier, MUCH faster!

Let me tell You: You look for access to a hacker-community. In IRC (I nternet R elay C hat), for example. IRC offers data You cannot find easily elsewhere. A hacker offers data. You are nice to him. He transfers to You.

You do not believe me? Read the news. Google "Holden Security". Because just these days this is what happenend. A russian hacker gave away 272 MILLION mail-addresses PLUS passwords. From Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo. From mail.ru. Chances are Hillary had her e-mail server on one of these. Which server did she use? One day we will read this in the news, too.

Or You just simply send her a message "Lose Your over-weight. Be slim in 6 months, buy our new successful body-lotion! Still eat all the chocolate You want." - with an attachment. "info.exe". She clicks it, she gets the information how to get the miracle-lotion. The app transfers all e-mails to You. PLUS every click of her mouse/keyboard.

And then: How stupid is she? She is NOT any silly housemaid. She is a lawyer. She has a university degree. And she was Secretary of State? Many lawyers I know are stupid. But be assured: Not many lawyers I know are as stupid as that!


May 26 2016: Finally we know how she did it. I can hardly believe my eyes! It's even more S T U P I D than I could ever have anticipated: she did not call her mail-adress "sexyblonde@yahoo.de", or "laundrybag@gmail.com", NO. If she had chosen this nickname not anybody could know immediately it was her. No. She bought a top-level-domain and called it "clintonemail.com". Worst I ever heard of. This means she's in EVERY public domain-list, like in a telephone-book.

She could as well have placed commercials in cnn telling every enemy secret service: "Guys, I have a mail-server, the adress is "clintonemail.com", and the password is "hillypresi".

Not only secret services all over the world, yahoo and google have "bots", servers that incessantly scan the internet for public domains and e-mail-adresses. The automated procedures gather the useful info all the time.

Now we understand why the hacker who is now in court said that it was so easy to break into her mails.

Hillary Rodham Clinton's LIES are worse than the worst lying bitch I have EVER heard of in the last SIXTY YEARS!

Hillary says ALL the time sth like: "Everything was permitted." , or similar. BLOODY LIES!

EVERY official being asked says: "She NEVER inquired. The procedures were not safe. She was told. The employees who hinted to the arising dangers were told by their bosses to shut up."

Hillary says ALL the time sth like: "I made a mistake. But I followed the legal rules." , or similar. BLOODY LIES!

EVERY official involveded says: "She did EVERYTHING to CIRCUMVENT the rules, the law."

Hillary says ALL the time sth like: "NO classified information." , or similar. BLOODY LIES!

First thing the institutions involved in the evaluation of the MANIPULATED mails she handed over was THEY HAD TO REMOVE CLASSIFIED information from the files made public. Even AFTER she and her STAFF CLEANED the files!

Let me put it this way: if I would only try to target 24 hours of Hillary's daily LIES I would be busy for a week.


IF there is ANY REASON in the american legal/justice system, in the FBI, in any administrative office involved Hillary WILL BE INDICTED.

Even though we must not forget that it was the United States' legal system that let O.J.Simpson get away with murder. It was broadcasted LIVE all over the world when and how they did that!

Hillary is a SHAME to the Democratic party! How can they still support her? How can she still have followers? How can the Democratic party still support, still protect her?

Several reasons are possible: If she made more than 100 Millions US$ from corruption she might have given a lot to the party. Or they protect her because they know they lose everything if the TRUE dimension of ALL the Clinton-scandals shows up.


But then: she could have had another well protected government-mail-server with just one phonecall. Instead of that she privately organised guys who installed the private server for her. Does NOBODY except ME ask: WHY did she do that? She CLEARLY had a reason!

One reason might be she wanted to avoid any government official to see the mails concerning the donations she recieved. She did not want them to see her confidential mails, the classified material.

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

And: e-mails. And: the blackberry. And: falsify. And: delete. And: edit. But most of ALL: L I E !

WHY is America OVERDUE to put her in jail - where she belongs? Because Obama protects her? How can Obama protect her?

I wrote the Obama-Question several months ago. In April 2016 it is CLEAR, it is in the news:

The present president of the United States of America Barack Obama, the best friend of that "woman" in bags, Angela Merkel LIES to You, to the american public!

:)   Address me! You're welcome    :)

The women in bags: The most powerful bitches in the world?? Shouldn't they be in jail? Both? Lock them and throw the keys away!

Obama said ALWAYS: "I do NOT influence the FBI-investigation." "I do NOT protect her." But now it's in the news: The White House, President Obama withheld evidence blaming Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Benghazi-Affair.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a KNOWN criminal. Everybody who has news must know that. EVERY medium - TV, press, internet - gives EVIDENCE of her crimes. And there are still democrats, there are still Americans standing with her? How can they???

And of course Trump is RIGHT about the Congressman Weiner-Affairs. Weiner's wife Huma Abedin is a personal aide of Hillary's.

Huma Abedin shows up all the time in Clinton's e-mails, managing the bought favors of the Clintons' foundation. She is the connection od the State Department and the Clinton foundation: she's in the CENTER of CORRUPTION!

Would You want to see this man's penis?

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

No problem: if You are a woman and You befriend Congressman Anthony Weiner in Twitter he might well send some pics of his dick. Better than this one. He used to do that. Several times. Publicly.

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

Hillary already commits political suicide herself. Every hour. The more she talks and lies the more she kills herself. And she does not even understand it. How could she? What she understands is her polls going down. We mention the known fact that many (most?) women have NO idea of politics. But they have the right to vote. They have the right to be lawmakers, congressmen, secretary of state. How do they vote if they do not understand politics? How can they be lawmakers, even secretary of state if they are not able to manage their kitchen?

They vote for looks: the handsome candidate. Or for gender: women think women understand women. Now Hillary is losing support of her female voters. Say the polls. So she emphasizes to her followers that she is fighting for feminist rights. Good girl, Hillary, lol. It does not help her.

But Trump is wrong with his timing: he should have waited to talk about the affair. If she should survive, this is good enough to throw her down. Later. Not now. To early. There was no need to disclose this already now. That's HOT ammunition. Right now not many even realized that. So: not now. Patience. The time to take even more advantage of this will come!

But there is sth else: In the recent broadcasts of her campaign I saw her on stage, every now and then, microphone in hand, arguing, shouting. This woman is not only full of lies.

I saw Hillary's face: This face is a face of HATRED. I am in SEVERE shock. This woman is scary.

This woman is not cool. She is not a woman who reasons. This woman is controlled by evil feelings, controlled by hatred.

:)   Pretty? YES!  :)

But: Hardly any rule without exception: There is indeed fox news' remarkable, extraordinary "Judge Jeanine Pirro": Is she really the only woman in world-wide media who's got brains?

:)   Address me! You're welcome    :)

THANK YOU, Jeanine!!!! For: backbone, brains and balls, for HONESTY and for TRUTH!

This woman is NOT shrill, she is NOT shrieky, her voice is NOT high pitched.That makes the difference, too.

Look at her, LISTEN TO HER!

She says: “How can the woman - who is under criminal investigation - who knows she’s under criminal investigation but lies to your face saying that she’s not – continue on her path to the white house?”

Jeanine Pirro is NOT part of the "(cnn) media's bitch branch" I am so worried about with the best reason.

Judge Jeanine Pirro from "fox news" in facebook

Hillary Rodham Clinton is not only in a scandal. She is not only in to MANY scandals. She is not only a walking scandal:

Hillary Rodham Clinton is the MOTHER of SCANDALS, she is THE MOTHER of LIES!

Hillary Rodham C. has already done TO MUCH to do damage not only to herself:

Hillary has done DAMAGE to the NATION. A LOT of DAMAGE!

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a proven DANGER that already turned into actual deaths, a PROVEN SERIOUS RISK to VITAL american security interests! But she is the WOMAN cnn promotes! UNBELIEVABLE!

And now this same crooked Hillary Clinton tells us that the Donald is dangerous, that he is a risk? Assumed "danger / risk" stands against SERIOUS DAMAGE she already caused. Right?

And she carries on! In May 16 she says "My husband Bill Clinton will reviralize the economy when I am President. He knows how to do it." You got the points? This means she says Obama let the economy go down in such a bad way that it needs to be "REVITALIZED".

And it means Bill Clinton again gets more powers to "revitalize" the economies of these "Clinton Charity Foundations".

Donald Trump does not need a corrupt "charity foundation". He already has ENOUGH.

Hillary Clinton. Hillary is not only involved in one scandal, she is in MANY! These are not petite anecdote-scandals, like being caught in a silly sex-affair. Her scdandals are SERIOUS, BIG DEAL, ALL of them! But even more: she is not only under FBI CRIMINAL investigation in only one, but in TWO cases. And still democratic party does not care?????? She is still being protected? By her husband, her fans, the democrats, protected by Barack Obama?

The Democratic party does not have the faintest idea - since Bernie Sanders is just a silly old lefty loser! - whom they will stand against Trump if Hillary Clinton is indicted: And she MUST be indicted - before election.

Then there is only one candidat left for presidency of the U S A: PRESIDENT "THE" Donald Trump, jr.

:)   Address me! You're welcome    :)

By the way: on this trip to german chancellor Angela Merkel Hillary Clinton's infamous blackberry-phone was being overheard by the german secret-service BND.

aol.com: German chancellor Angela ( = "angel", alias "Angie") Merkel bugs her ears into Hillary Clinton's blackberry-phone

Angela Merkel

Carly Fiorina

Meg Whitman

Huma Abedin Weiner

My mother

Barack Obama

Senator Anthony Weiner

Madeleine Albright - (Nominated Secretary of State by Bill Clinton. A feminist. Both. Would anybody make the german feminist Alice Schwarzer Secretary of State? In the USA they did that! And not only her: Hillary Clinton, too. SHAME on the democrats for that! Because that is TERRIBLE!)

I know You do not believe me, but this woman said: "There's a special place in hell for women who do not help each other". She did not say "a space in hell". She said : "SPECIAL" place in hell. Meaning: not only "hell", but the worst corner in hell. This stupid chick is SICK chick, isn't it? Do we need to know more? I don't think so.

Reason number T W E N T Y F I V E:

But just let Hillary carry on! Don't disturb her! She destroys herself. Better, and more efficient than her worst enemy. Because she is her worst enemy.

And I still do believe in the FBI-investigation. One day the FBI will move. Because they have to. Because they MUST indite Hillary.

So Hillary Rodham C. has to many STRONG odds against her:

All the Clinton-scandals of 30 years.

She should be in jail. So: even if the FBI does not indite her in time, the voter might understand that she is a danger to the country.


But then there is more: I now DO tell You, on March 6, 2016 that there is ONE question NOBODY asked until now:

It was a VERY stupid move to establish that private e-mail-server. Twice as much as she is a LAWYER with a university-degree. I have NEVER seen a lawyer act that stupid.

But she had a REASON to do that! Since she is VIP, former Secretary of State, Ex- First Lady, the wife of a president of the USA, she had EVERY right to ask for a solution for her needs. But she did not do that.

The BIG QUESTION is: WHY did she do that nevertheless, , despite a BIG BUNCH of SERIOUS RISKS?

She could have used the established servers that are there for governmental use.

March 6, 2016 I ask the BIG QUESTION nobody sees until now: WHY did she want that server? WHY did she want to BYPASS the governmental servers? WHAT did she INTEND to HIDE? WHAT is HIDDEN until today????


So let's not waste our time on her. We do not need to fight her.

She has 1 year to go before her blind admirers can put her thru the doors of POWER.

The FBI should not need one year to go. And the closer to the election the bigger the trouble the democrats are in. They might stand naked in the hot sun of the desert, without a proper candidate. Since the english jewish socialist "Bernie" (hoooow cute?) Sanders is certainly not the guy America wants to see in the Oval Office.

Reason number T W E N T Y SEVEN:

Trump is RIGHT considering the price and the structure of NATO.

Translation coming

! ! ! Achtung: unten WICHTIGE Aktualisierung 2016 ! ! !

DEUTSCHLAND JUBELT: Der Muslim Erdogan hat bereits in der Tuerkei die Meinungsfreiheit geregelt.


Die Tuerkei ist bereits in der NATO. Schmeisst Trump die da wieder 'raus? WIR WOLLEN Donald "The Donald TRUMP jr.! Erdi Erdogan kaempft um die Aufnahme der Tuerkei in die EG. Und noch BEVOR er "drin" ist, sorgt er sich jereits wieder um die Meinungsfreiheit. In der EG. Sobald er da Schlimmes bemerkt schaeumt er. Und wird unverschaemt. Weil Einer einen Witz gemacht hat, der keiner war. Da ist dann SOFORT Schluss mit lustig.

Das darf er. Und das muss er. Denn es geht ja schliesslich um das Reich seines gottes. Und um gott Erdogan. Wer sich ueber Erdi lustig macht beleidigt schliesslich gott.

Wie auch sonst, mache ich, wo immer moeglich, den reality-check. Damit die" mich nicht ... hmmmm ... verarschen koennen.

(literarisch korrekt sollte ich hier vermutlich irgendetwas schreiben wie zB. "Damit es Menschen, die mich mit fragwuerdigen Informationen in ihrem Sinne indoktrinieren wollen - so wie ich das hier mit Ihnen mache? - , NICHT GELINGT.)

Dafuer habe ich bei meiner ersten Landung in Istanbul exakt 2 Minuten benoetigt, und fast Alles war klar. Danach musste ich keine Zeitung mehr lesen. Die Tuerkei hatte sich mir bereits fast KOMPLETT erklaert. OBWOHL ich der Mutterzunge des Kuemuel Uezyguen nicht maechtig bin. Und das geht SO:

Smartphone 'raus, Aeroplane-mode "off", Radio "on", scan. 45 Sekunden spaeter: gescannt. Dann schalte ich die empfangenen Sender durch. 70 Sekunden spaeter wusste ich Bescheid:

Weil: Auf der ganzen Skala KEIN englischsprachiger Sender zu finden ist. Und KEINE Popmusik. (Womit wir beim deutschen wdr waeren - das an anderer Stelle!)

- Die "Rolling Stones" (Durchschnittsalter 71,5 in 2016) haben just Havanna gerockt: "Sympathy for the devil".

Zum ersten Mal nach Fidel Castro's verbrecherischer Revolution, die ein ganzes Volk zurueck in die Steinzeit stuerzte. Der moribunde Castro wuetet aktuell dazu, waehrend er so gut wie im Sarg schnuffelt, in den er bereits vor 60 Jahren gehoert haette, waehrend andere Leute John F. Kennedy, einen Mann der FREIHEIT, erfolgreich da hinein brachten, auf dem Weg nach unten ist: "„We don't need the empire to give us presents.“ " - Sie wissen, dass die HEUTE NOCH ihre Aecker mit Rindern und Holzpfluegen bearbeiten?). Weil Rockmusik fuer Kommunisten vom Leibhaftigen gemacht und somit des Teufels ist.

Stattdessen in Istanbul zu 100% BlaBlaBla a la shriekshriekquengel und Moscheen-Suren-Schrebbel-Singsang. Den ich manchmal privat FREIWILLIG hoere: weil es gute Musik gibt. Ungeachtet des religioesen Polit-Humbugs.

Das war der realtiy-check. Ergebnis: ich befinde mich im Islam-Staat, und TOTALER Medienzensur. Und in einem Land, das minimalen Anforderungen an Rechtsstaatlichkeit nicht genuegt. Das GENUEGT. Capsice?

"VERSTEHEN" bedeutet AUCH: Passt NACH realitycheck das Bild? Wir WISSEN, dass Erdogan Oel von ISIS kauft. Wir wissen, dass der NATO-Partner Erdogan den Russen einen Jet weggeschossen hat, mit dem die ISIS angegriffen haben.

Wir WISSEN, dass Erdogan an ISIS Waffen liefert, und dass er sich von Angela Merkel dafuer bezahlen laesst, die von ISIS Vetriebenen in der Tuerkei zu dulden. So dass er wieder mehr Waffen fuer ISIS kaufen kann.

Zahllose Beweise fuer Waffenlieferungen der Tuerkei an ISIS. Frau Merkel verhandelt mit Erdogan und bezahlt ihn. Als wenn nichts waere.

Hat das bereits genuegt, um den MACHTmenschen (Maenner sind GROESSER! Mensch, also!) putin (klein geschrieben, damit's passt) auf die Knie zu bringen? Waehrend fast die ganze Welt erzittert und sich in den Staub wirft, wenn putin mit den Ketten rasselt? Trump: Ich werde mit putin ANDERS VERHANDELN!

Hat ISIS durch Erdogan's Abschuss putin BESIEGT? Da war ja auch noch der Abschuss einer russischen Passagiermaschine durch ISIS in Aegypten. Haelt der russische zwerg sich deshalb jetzt in Syrien zurueck? Ist putin auch nur eine Eierschlange? Kennedy hat Chruschtschow (links) mit HAERTE und ENTSCHLOSSENEM HANDELN im Handumdrehen klein gekriegt ("Kuba Krise"), BESIEGT!

Hat Erdogan uns jetzt erneut gezeigt, wie man mit Russland verhandelt? Damit diesmal ISIS gewinnt?


Nicht neu ist, dass Russland gegnerische Spionageflugzeuge (Gary Power's U2 am 1. Mai 1960. Mit Einschraenkungen: Russland konnte die U2 erst abschiessen, als sie wegen Triebwerksdefekt Hoehe und Geschwindigkeit verlor.) abschiessen kann.

Foto: picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

--- Powers wurde spaeter, am 10.Februar 1962, auf der Glienicker Bruecke gegen den Spion Karl-Heinz Abel und einen biederen Studenten am Checkpoint Charlie ausgetauscht. Das wird thematisiert im aktuellen Hollywood-Streifen mit Tom Hanks in der Hauptrolle, von Steven Spielberg, "Bridge of Spies". Sehr sehenswert. ---

Die dramatische Geschichte "Bridge of Spies"

wikipedia: Abschuss der Lockheed U-2 "Dragon Lady" des Piloten Gary Powers am 1.Mai 1960.

Auch ohne Leistungsverlust abschiessbar hingegen waren fuer die Russen zivile "Spionage"-Passagiermaschinen, etwa die Boeing 747-230B der Korean Air Flug 007 westlich von Sachalin.

wikipedia: "Korean-Air-Lines-Flug 007 war die Flugnummer einer zivilen Boeing 747 der Korean Air Lines, die durch einen Abfangjäger der sowjetischen Luftverteidigung wegen Verletzung des Luftraumes am 1. September 1983 über internationalen Gewässern westlich der Insel Sachalin abgeschossen wurde. Alle 269 Personen an Bord kamen zu Tode."

Reason number T W E N T Y E I G H T:

THIS is one of the BEST, and one of the easiest reasons: Look at the cons, the contras, the anti-Trump-people, and You should immediately understand that it is RIGHT to be PRO-TRUMP!

You only have to see the people who hate him und listen to their arguing and You know it is RIGHT that You like him!

You see this people worshipping a criminal lying bitch and her hate-speech, You see them demonstrating, protesting on the roads, and You see the worst fools in cnn and fox news trying to damage his reputation, to tell lies about him. The liars often fail, they cannot betray many of their viewers. That's why they keep supporting Trump.

Reason number T H I R T Y F O U R:

Mr. TRiUMPh will PREVAIL because until now he is the ONLY MAN STANDING, the only one who is HONEST.

His opponents make this race so unfair, so dirty. Hillary is either misleading or lying whenever she opens her mouth.

The VIOLENT PROTESTS at his campaign locations are being PAID. It is UNBELIEVABLE.

The mob gets 15 US $ per hour per head, PLUS free transportation. Plus more freebies. The money is PAID by followers of Bernie Sanders.

While good old Bernie accuses Trump of corrupt campaign financing. Is that a JOKE??? Or is it Bernie's modern times?

And they are being PAID by George Soros: He hates "The Donald" TRiUMPh jr. and his success as much as Ted Turner does!

This is the moment NOW that Mr. Trump should place a phone call to George Soros and teach Soros a lesson. Trump should let Soros know that he will be after him!

cnn does NOT tell You that. Fox News does NOT tell You that. Because they are misleading, they are manipulating You, too. Associated Press AP tells You. Washington Times' Tammy Bruce tells You. I DO TELL You!

www.washingtontimes.com: Tammy Bruce reports: Anti-Trump-Rallies funded by the left

Reason number T H I R T Y F I V E: WHO runs the smear campaign!

MANY participants run a SMEAR-campaign against Donald Trump. You can easily identify them: because they are accusing him of running a smear campaign, with lies and misleading statements.

The most significant ones: cnn and google. Google? YES! Google!!!!!

Google stands by the side of the criminal LIER Hillary Clinton. unbelievable, BUT: true!!!!

nbc accuses Trump to be a lier in regard of the Clinton (foundation) corruption. But Trump only QUOTES the book of Peter Schweizer "Clinton Cash". They do NOT attack Schweizer and his book. They attack Trump, they say these are his lies.

Until now neither Hillary nor Bill Clinton took Schweizer to court. And they have lots of lawyers, Hillary's a lawyer, Bill is. Bill is not allowed to work in the job any more: he lost his accredition.

The Clintons do NOT blame Schweizer to be a lier. Until they win the case in court we have EVERY reason to think Peter Schweizer tells the TRUTH about the Clinton corruption.

So it is clear Schweizer probably tells the truth. Then NOBODY can legitimately call anybody who QUOTES Schweizer a lier. This is what NBC does.

Now back to google: Like cnn google does manipulate You. The first step is the "auto completion". You look for "Hillary crime" or "Clinton crime". After You entered "Clinton cri" the auto-completion already tried to lead You away to "Clinton crisis" or such. They stopped that in the meantime.

The Clintons do NOT blame the film adaptation of the book by Stephen Bannon. The documentation will be shown in America on July 24 2016, just ahead of the Democrat's convention in Philadelphia.

But if You search "Clinton Cash" the first result You get is the lying feature of NBC. Easy to detect: Just below is the quite reliable "wikipedia". Go there and You see NBC is smearing on Trump, not the other way round. Google features the NBC campaign!

The point is: Trump makes his money with real estate. The Clintons make HUNDREDS of millions being paid by America's enemies.

Now WHAT do You think?

Peter Schweizer's book "Clinton Cash" in wikipedia

We already disclosed the violent protests against Trump as being paid for by followers of Bernie Sanders, and by George Soros.

The Clinton foundation received MILLIONS from Saudi Arabia. Is this the reason why Hillary, who plays the "women-card" NEVER EVER lost only one word about the fact that women in Islam have NO RIGHTS?

Somebody should pass the information to "The Donald" that it is essential part of the muslim religion to enslave women. They have NO rights. They are being beaten and raped. If a housemaid, a woman who has been raped by her employer in Saudi Arabia and she tells police nothing happens to the man. But the woman goes to jail.

The list of other imminent problems to islam is endless. Somebody should update Mr. Trump on that.

That's why this Ben Carson has better polls now. Because he is RIGHT about the muslims. He KNOWS.

NO muslim anywhere in the world should be in a parliament, congress, government position: because they are NOT qualified. These people are driven by insanity, NOT by reason. All of them. Even those of them who are peaceful.

wikipedia: Egyptian-German author and politcal scientist, ex-muslim Hamed Abdel-Samad knows BEST!

I hereby advise Mr. Trump to make Mr. Abdel-Samad his advisor regarding islam!

:)   T R U T H   :) - beats EVERY lie!

Abdel-Samad KNOWS, he says: Islam is FASCISM. And that's RIGHT. Because it is!

He is not only muslim, he is the son of a Muslim Sunni Imam. So he knows BEST!

Number three: Several weeks later Trump starts to understand about the muslims. Because he read ME here. But now he exaggerates. Since he does not understand german, I guess, he could not get the point I explained on my page "Willkommenskultur"

in german: welcome - culture. In English: see above, Top of page!

"welcome-culture" means: The german chancellor Angela Merkel invites all the poor people in this world to come to Germany so the german taxpayer can afford and pay for their better life without work. Then she pays several billions to Turkey's prime minister Erdogan, who himself pays hundreds of millions to islam militants IS!!!, to make him stop the refugees from proceeding to Germany.

Now Mr. Trump wants to stop ALL muslims from entering the USA, even his business-partners. He is not worried about his business with Saudi Arabia. Because his point does not change anything. For them he is the white unfaithful devil before, anyway. I'll have to translate that for him, here! Wait a bit, please! I will do that.


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