I will do that, here, soon, in 2014!
You do not have to understand his thinking, or his mathematics and scientific calculations (they are TERRIFIC), here is what You should know about him, and about the universe, and about time. This is why I made this page. In DEEP respect of his work and findings.
THIS is state of the art 2014, the best knowledge of mankind. No hollow words, no empty phrases, no lies! Facts, theories, and an honest, open-minded discussion: science at it's BEST!
Artikel ist NOCH IM ENTWURFSSTADIUM. Sie sollen aber hier bereits sehen, in welche Richtung das laeuft!
This remarkable documentation/biography was produced in 1991, when he was still believing in god. A few years ago he revised his positions, pretty late. We have to realise, that his extraordinary brain was strictly focused on understanding the universe. His problem, as it is the problem of most of us, was strict relgious education in his childhood, which he had to overcome (not an easy thing to do). Sooner or later. He did that.
The production gives You an idea where I want to take You.